PowerShell command for installed list and etc

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`Powershell command for list of installed programs or packages or extention from sticky note

Windows Program List

winget export -o "D:\Document\EnvDocument\$(GET-DATE -Format "yyyyMMdd")_windows_installed_program_list.json" --include-versions

VSCode Extentsions list

code --list-extensions --show-versions > "D:\Document\EnvDocument\$(GET-DATE -Format "yyyyMMdd")_vscode_extensions_list.txt"

code –list-extensions –show-versions > d:\vscode_extensions_list.txt

npm installed package list

npm ls -g > "D:\Document\\EnvDocument\$(GET-DATE -Format "yyyyMMdd")_npm_installed_list.txt"

PowerShell get filelist in all subdirectory

Get-ChildItem -Path $srcPath -Recurse | Sort-Object CreationTime | FT -Property Name, CreationTime, LastWriteTime, Mode > "D:\Document\EnvDocument\$(GET-DATE -Format "yyyyMMdd")_vscode_file_list.txt"    

Open NotePad++ in Powershell

start notepad++

Visual Studio Code User Directory Path
